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    31 May 2017

    Towards Work – Inspire Culture

    We have recently started a project for Inspire and Groundwork Greater Nottingham called Towards Work: this project engages people, who are unemployed or economically inactive, to increase their employability and helps them towards work or training. We support people to overcome personal barriers and develop an all-inclusive package to secure employment, volunteering or training, and to gain a positive sustainable outcome.

    People who wish to access the project need to be able to prove that they are economically inactive or unemployed. There is no set amount of time they need to be unemployed for, but people who are on zero-hours contracts would not qualify; if people are successful in proving this, they can access a fully tailored support programme where any perceived barriers they have are addressed, and they can access training and development to allow them to rejoin or get nearer to the employment market. We would support any potential participant to obtain their required programme eligibility evidence.

    The project fully supports the client by employing a Work Coach to get the client ‘work ready’ through personal development, as well as a Job Broker who provides tailored assistance with job search or course hunting, and who uses local knowledge to support the client with applying for work or training.

    The project can provide you with a ‘personal budget’ which can pay for access to training opportunities and equipment to alleviate barriers to work when it may prove difficult to finance these personally.

    One of our aims is to form a network with partners and stakeholders within D2N2 and SCR regions to provide their clients with support with issues that directly impact their employability. We would also like to work in partnership with organisations to find suitable volunteers as a route for individuals to gain more work experience. We are supported by Inspire which allows us to access and deliver high-quality training courses, and we are in contact with employers who can supply opportunities to return to work.

    For more information please contact Mick Putland on 07850 503152 or email: mick.putland@inspireculture.org.uk


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