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11 May 2016

Patient Stories Across Mid Nottinghamshire

Have you a story to tell about a recent NHS experience?

Better Together Mid-Nottinghamshire are looking to interview patients, carers or families in relation to their health and social care journey across mid-Nottinghamshire.

If you would like to talk about any experiences  you have received from the NHS or social care over the past 6 months.

All experiences with services are welcome.

If you would like to tell your story.

You can reach Better Together Mid-Nottinghamshire by phone, email and by post.

Please call: 01623 673591. Email:

Post: Please complete the following form patient stories mid notts and send it (freepost) to Patient Stories, FREEPOST RTGE-CRAT-BABH, NHS Mansfield & Ashfield CCG, Hawthorn House, Mansfield, Notts. NG21 0HJ