2nd Anniversary Grand Dance Big Success for Newark Dementia Carers Group

2nd Anniversary Grand Dance
Around 120 people attended the 2nd Anniversary dance of the Newark Dementia Carers Group held at the Balderton Village Community Centre and along with a grand raffle of 40 prizes raised £1500 for the group funds.
Once again thanks go to Penny and Brian Richardson for donating the buffet and also thanks to Bakkavor Foods Ltd for donating the cakes. The group also thanks everyone who donated to the dance and also thanks to the Monsonaires Big Band for supplying the music.
Memory Walk
We wish to thank all the people who took part in the groups 2nd Memory Walk held at the Sconce Park on 19th May when £1486 was raised. At the start of the walk Bakkavor Foods Ltd presented the group members who took part with a cheque for £500.00 and also provided refreshments at the end which was great fully received.
Fashion Parade
At a Fashion Parade recently held at Ann et Vin by local fashion shop Shirt Sleeves an amount of £850.00 was raised by donations at the show and the group have been selected to receive the proceeds this year. We wish to thank all those who gave so generously to help the group to continue its efforts to provide day care for people living with Dementia which is our aim. We ask all local people to help us to achieve this.
Upcoming Sky-Dive
On the 8th July Mr Graham Ward of 9a Church Lane, Balderton will be taking part in a sky-dive at Langer airfield. He has selected the Newark Dementia Carers Group for his cause this year. He can be contacted on 01636 706847 or a Mob 07960 00419 for any-one who wishes to sponsor him for this event.
Finally H.M.R.C. have now recognised the group and give it Charity status.