30 June 2016
Do-it’s Volunteer Survey 2016 – Headline Results

Our 2016 survey results are in! We wanted to find out what motivates people to give their time to community causes and what might prevent them from getting involved. Our survey ran for 10 days and was completed by just over 1,400 people. Thank you for everyone who shared it!
Key stats…
- 68% surveyed said they volunteered because it improves their own well being and makes them happy.
- 52% volunteer to meet new people and make friends.
- Over three quarters of people (76%) said they preferred to volunteer within 5 miles of their homes, while 18% said they preferred to volunteer in their immediate neighbourhood.
- 68% of people surveyed volunteered at least once a week, with 41% volunteering more than once a week.
- Over 91% said they thought their time had helped the organisation or cause they had volunteered for.
- 75% said they would volunteer if their boss gave them time off to do it!
- And the vast majority find about volunteering online – via search engines, charity websites and of course Do-it.org
The full results can be found here
The survey also found that volunteers get frustrated when organisations don’t follow up on their offers of help. This is especially the case for those that use online where they expect to get a quick response – so the sooner you can get back to a volunteer the more likely they will end up supporting you.