Newark & Sherwood CVS logo
9 August 2016

Interested in Volunteering in The Arts?

Voluntary Arts

Voluntary Arts works to promote and increase active participation in cultural activities across the UK and Republic of Ireland. Over half the UK adult population is involved in the voluntary arts and crafts (cultural activity that people undertake for self-improvement, social networking and leisure, but not primarily for payment). Those activities are wide-ranging and include music, dance, crafts, drama, literature, visual arts, festivals and much more. We work with policy makers, funders and politicians to improve the environment for everyone participating in the arts, and we provide information and training to the many thousands of groups and individuals who participate in the voluntary arts sector. This includes over 300 national and regional umbrella bodies, and through them, their member groups of local voluntary arts practitioners. Voluntary Arts recognises that the arts are a key part of our culture and are vital to our health, social and economic development.

Sarah Breen is the Midlands Development Officer based here in Nottinghamshire, hosted by Inspire Culture. Get in touch (07818031632) and join her email database for news and e-bulletins; Follow on twitter @volartsmidlands
In the Midlands we have made links with Creative People and Places consortium working on projects with First Art and Transported; delivered a Voluntary Arts week showcase in Kirkby; partnered with the WEA for training sessions; funded groups for Voluntary Arts Week with Microfunds; worked with hosts Inspire for CraftBomb training and drop in sessions across the county’s libraries; worked with Rural touring theatre promoters in Lincs for social media training; linked with Open Studios Notts for training; worked with regional partners for the Rushcliffe Woollen Woods ETC For news on events and projects email Sarah for updates.

How to get involved….
Visit our website to find out how to get involved with us;
Pledge your volunteering time on our website;
Get involved in the online #love to campaign
Download our resources from our website
Our Epic Awards showcasing the best in voluntary arts projects across the country;

Join us in linking with BBCGetCreative.

Local ARTS EVENT volunteering opportunity; CERAMICS IN SOUTHWELL 28TH AUGUST 2016
Future plans with your CVS includes a training session, Mid October Volunteering in the Arts  and Working with traditional media (BBC Radio facilitator).