Newark & Sherwood Older People’s Forum

The Forum met on 6th September and received a very interesting talk from Collective Legal Solutions (part of the Co-operative Group)
Tax, Care and Toy Boys
A Will Is Not Enough!
Preparing for the future involves more than just writing a Will. The right advice could help you protect what you’ve worked hard for, ensuring an inheritance for your loved ones.
Long-term care fees
The Introduction of the Care Act 2014 promised much, but a ‘Care Fees Cap’, expected in April 2016 and intended to limit an individual’s contribution towards their care fees at £72,000, has now been delayed until at least 2020. Many believe the Care Fees Cap will never materialise. Indeed former Care Minister, Norman Lamb, said upon hearing news of the delay:
“This is abandonment, not a delay. It would be naivety in the extreme to regard this as a delay”
Planning and protecting what you’ve worked hard for has never been more important.
Mental incapacity
If I had a pound for every time I have heard “I’ll make plans for this when I start feeling iffy”… Accident or illness can strike at any time and impairment of the mind shouldn’t just be associated with illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. Without an Enduring or Lasting Power of Attorney in place, a long, complex, intrusive and expensive court process awaits your loved ones to gain control of your affairs.
What next?
Planning for the future requires far more than just writing a simple Will. If you fail to plan effectively, there could be little left to pass on.
Members of Older People’s Forum Newark & Sherwood can receive further information or a free home consultation with us by simply calling Collective Legal Solutions on 0800 110 5221 and quoting 0609JS.