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13 October 2016

NFU Mutual Charitable Trust – Deadline Imminent

NFU Mutual’s Charitable Trust is currently accepting applications from charitable groups and organisations in the UK.

NFU Mutual is providing of up to £30,000 to registered charitable organisations based and working within the UK that are seeking funding for charitable initiatives in the areas of education, research, social welfare and poverty relief.

Currently, the main objectives of the trust are to:

*   Advance the education of young people within rural areas.

*   Relieve poverty within rural areas.

*   Promote the benefit and social welfare of inhabitants of rural communities by associating together with the inhabitants and local authorities, voluntary and other organisations to advance education and leisure.

*   Advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to agriculture.

*   Promote research into agriculture associated activities.

*   Advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to insurance.


The Trustees are particularly interested in initiatives in the areas of education of young people in rural areas and relief of poverty within rural areas.

The deadline for applications is 28 October 2016.