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27 October 2016

Newark and Sherwood Volunteer Centre is awarded Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA) for a further 3 years.

We are pleased to announce that the Volunteer Centre has again been awarded this nationally recognised quality accreditation.  Every three years we undertake a rigorous assessment process to demonstrate how we meet the quality assurance standards.

Our assessor commented “Newark and Sherwood Volunteer Centre presented a strong and focused portfolio of evidence for VCQA. This is to be commended bearing in mind the limited staff hours and resources dedicated to volunteer centre services.
The good practice section of this VCQA portfolio was particularly impressive with effective use made of information technology.
There is no hesitation whatsoever in recommending the award of Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation to Newark and Sherwood Volunteer Centre”

For more information on volunteering, please click on the link: