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    11 November 2016

    Fund to Support Domestic Abuse Services – The Department for Communities and Local Government

    The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has launched a new fund for local authorities in England to help increase refuge spaces and other accommodation for women fleeing domestic violence.

    The £20 million fund will support the provision of core support for refuges and specialist accommodation-based services, helping local areas ensure that no woman fleeing domestic violence is turned away from the support she needs.

    The fund is part of the government’s £80 million Strategy to end violence against women and girls: 2016 to 2020 which sets out that prevention, not crisis response, should be the norm. It also demonstrates that real change will only happen at the local level and through the new Priorities for Domestic Abuse Services the victim will be put first, with the essential support of specialist accommodation.

    This fund is also seeking to address the needs of diverse communities, including BME victims and those from isolated communities, so they can access support and help.

    Applications are invited from local authorities in England. DCLG are looking to receive bids that bring together three or more local authorities working across boundaries to form regional hubs where appropriate.

    A total of £20 million will be available over two years (2016-2018).

    DCLG would expect to provide around £100,000 maximum per Partnership bid, but will consider bids of more than £100,000 which proactively work across a number of local authority boundaries.

    The deadline for applications is 16 December 2016.
