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26 April 2017

Donations Help Expand Therapy Services For Newark Hospital

Neurology treatments at Newark Hospital have been expanded thanks to the generous donations of the Friends of Newark Hospital.

Donations amounting to £1,115 from the Friends have enabled the department to purchase a double neurology couch, which will allow therapists to offer a greater range of treatments including using it as a plinth for gym situations and physiotherapy exercises.

The wider couch can be lowered to the floor and allows for the patient and therapist to be on the plinth at the same time, which will mean a greater range of treatments will be offered due to the space and stability that the wider couch allows.

Assistant Therapy Practitioner, Emma-Jayne Webster said: “The couch will make a real difference to the service that we offer. It’s a brilliant addition to have and it will really benefit our patients by assisting them to carry out different exercises. As the couch is a double couch, it allows both the therapist and the patient to be on the plinth at the same time, which really helps when you are doing certain exercises, as it means we can support our patients and allow them to do more assisted therapy.”

The Friends of Newark Hospital has also donated £391 to buy a skeleton which can be used by therapists to help patients better understand their conditions and look after their joints.

Emma-Jayne added: “The skeleton is a fantastic piece of equipment and will help us to give a much more hands-on approach when teaching patients about how to look after themselves when they are at home. I’m really looking forward to using it with my patients.”