Shaping General Practice (GP) Services for the next 5 years Survey

Your local NHS is working hard to plan GP services to make sure they meet the needs of patients now and in the future.
We need your help to really understand what would work well for patients and carers.
We would like you to give your views on:
- Your current experience of access to GP services between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday
- How you would use services if opening hours were extended
- How patients can be encouraged to take greater control of their health
- What mental health services you would like to see delivered in primary care
- How you would like to be communicated with
- Your awareness of the availability and roles of other healthcare professionals in your practice
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey either online or by completing a paper version.
This survey is available to complete online at:
Please return this form Shaping General Practice Survey either by email to or by post: Freepost RTGE-CRAT-BABH, NHS Mansfield & Ashfield CCG, Hawthorn House, Mansfield, NG21 0HJ
If you require any further information or assistance please call: Patient Experience Team on 0800 028 3693 (select option 1)
The closing date for responses is Friday 28 July 2017.