Annual Public Meeting – NHS Newark & Sherwood CCG

NHS Newark & Sherwood CCG are hosting their Annual Public Meeting on;
Thursday 14th September 2017
Everyday Champions Centre, Brunel Business Park, Jessop Close, Newark, Notts, NG24 2AG.
The event is open to all staff and members of the public to register your place at this event please contact on 01623 673139 no later than the 31st August 2017.
Our ‘market place’ will be open from 4.30pm and will provide information on a range of health and social care and voluntary and community sector services across Newark & Sherwood.
The formal business of the Annual Public Meeting will take place from 5.30pm to 6.30pm, and will include a presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts, showcasing some of our achievements to date and outline plans for the future followed by a question time panel.
This year’s Annual Public Meeting will also host the inaugural Celebrating Success in General Practice awards which recognises people who go the extra mile to plan or deliver exceptional health and care services within Newark & Sherwood, through their contribution to engagement, leadership, partnership and innovation or an act of kindness
The awards are open to PPG members, citizens, volunteers, community groups, Clinical Leaders, GP staff and CCG officers working within the Newark & Sherwood locality.
Therefore, if you would like to nominate someone who meets the criteria for one of these prestigious awards then please complete a nomination form and return it to Julie Andrews by Friday 28th July 2017 at 5pm.