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8 September 2017

Survey Sings Community Transport’s Praises

A recent survey of service users has shown that the CVS’s Community Transport is very successful in delivering an efficient and reliable service and is highly thought of in community.

A response rate of 82% showed that ….

95% of users were very satisfied with service

93% feel staff are very responsive to questions and concerns about the service

93% feel the service meets their needs very well

93% feel the service is reliable

100% feel the service is friendly

85% feel the service is efficient

83% find it very easy to make a booking


In addition the survey asked how users would travel if the service wasn’t available.

17% would not go out if the service did not exist.

83% would rely on family & friends/taxis/public transport if the service did not exist.


Respondents also added comments in support of the Service –

Incredible people all round. They have taken a lot of the stress out of medical trips – excellent service, many thanks to all.

I do appreciate this service.

Very comforting to know that the driver waits to bring you back home. Thanks a lot.

I have found all the drivers kind and very respectful.

I am truly grateful for the support of the Voluntary Transport Scheme. Without this excellent door to door service I would have found it very difficult to attend the many appointments I have had at Queens so far this year.

The service has been fantastic, both during the final months of my husband’s life and now my own disability, requiring many hospital trips.  I cannot praise it enough.

The volunteers are very kind and patient and helpful.

I cannot speak too highly of the Voluntary Service.

I have used this service for the last 11 years and I have been more than satisfied and I think all the staff are brilliant and I for one am thankful for this service. Thank You.