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2 August 2019

Join the team at Newark & Sherwood CVS

Newark & Sherwood CVS has opportunities for two enthusiastic, motivated individuals to join our team.

Community Development & Engagement Coordinator this is an exciting new post funded by the Coalfields Regeneration Trust and developed in partnership with Newark & Sherwood CVS.  Based in the former coalmining communities of Ollerton & Boughton, this role will work closely with a range of groups, to empower and help them to identify issues, and to design and co-produce their own sustainable solutions.

Partnership & Engagement Officer within our Community Engagement Team.  The team works with Newark & Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group (our local health commissioners) and communities and groups in the district to make sure that patients and the public have the chance to have their voices heard.

Click here for further details, to view the job descriptions and download application forms – scroll down the vacancy page for the Partnership role.

Closing date for both roles is Thursday 22nd August at 12noon