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28 December 2022

Funding Secured to expand the Door to Door Service

Thanks to funding by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund a new grant of £24,000 has been awarded to expand the Door to Door service. The funding will allow the service to increase operations into evenings and weekends and offer additional befriending support to attend activities.

Madeleine O’Sullivan, Chief Officer says ‘ The expansion of the service will be a great asset to the community. We will now be able to give people to opportunity to undertake more social activities such as attending the cinema, joining clubs running in the evening and start new hobbies. The service will also be able to take people to medical appointments which are increasingly been offered past 5pm.’

Volunteer Opportunities

The project brings more opportunities for people to become volunteer drivers and befrienders. A driver would be responsible for picking up a client and taking them to their destination where as a befriender would drive but also assist further such as helping with shopping or attending an activity with the client. All volunteers are paid mileage at 45p per mile. Volunteering can be a great way of becoming more socially connected and an active citizen. It can also be a valuable pathway to employment for those interested in developing a career in customer service, driving or community development.  For more information of how to become a volunteer driver visit the door to door page on our website: Door2Door Service – Newark & Sherwood CVS (

Could you benefit from the Door to Door Service?

The Door to Door Scheme operates with an annual membership of £40 for an individual and £45 for a joint membership. A booking fee of £3 applies for a journey plus mileage paid to the driver. You can register using the form on our website: Door2Door Service – Newark & Sherwood CVS (

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit