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    Policies & Statements

    Privacy Policy

    Newark & Sherwood Community & Voluntary Service respects the privacy of those who use, contact or work with our organisation.

    Please read our Confidentiality and Privacy Policies carefully so that you understand our privacy practices.

    The General Data Protection Policy (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018 and Newark & Sherwood CVS has taken the opportunity to review and update our privacy and confidentiality policies to reflect the new data protection laws.

    Our new policies explain what data we collect from you, what we do with it and why we collect it.  The policies also explain your rights around your personal data and how to get in touch with us if you have queries about your data.

    You can read our privacy and confidentiality policies by following the links below:

    Questions regarding privacy should be directed to Newark & Sherwood Community & Voluntary Service: 

    Email information@nandscvs.org or telephone 01636 679539.

    Customer Care

    Customer Care lies at the heart of our service, and the team at CVS aim to ensure that we provide the best service we can. Full details of how we do this can be found in the following document:

    If you require more information, please contact: information@nandscvs.org or telephone 01636 679539.