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Networks and collaborations

Image shows multi-coloured board game pieces on a white sheet of paper with connecting lines.

Newark & Sherwood CVS are committed to working collaboratively. Our district has networks of all shapes and sizes, covering a range of sectors that support a variety of causes. We believe that by bringing together agencies, we are better placed to achieve our collective aims, share expertise and knowledge, and develop new opportunities that will ultimately make Newark and Sherwood a great place to live. 

Working collectively we can have a measurable impact on individuals’ lives, build stronger, more connected communities, and increase organisational resilience through the joining up of services and resources, nurturing innovative ideas, and learning from each other.

Get involved

Our networks are open, inclusive forums where people can meet, share ideas, resources, develop schemes together, and influence meaningful change in Newark and Sherwood.

For more information about our networks, forums and how to get involved, you will find the information you need by clicking on the links below:

Community networks & forums

Partnerships & collaboration