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Community networks and forums

You can make a difference!

Newark & Sherwood CVS help to facilitate a number of networks across the district. This provides an opportunity for groups to come together, share ideas and learn from each other.

Newark & Sherwood Community Network

The Newark & Sherwood Community Network facilitates and enables a constructive relationship between the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, public and private bodies.

The Network provides an opportunity for organisations from across the VCSE sector, to develop a united voice and ensure that important issues are brought to the attention of the appropriate bodies/organisations, and vice versa. Always acknowledging that a diversity of views may exist.


Is free and is open to VCSE, statutory & business organisations that operate within Newark and Sherwood District.

Terms of Reference

Newark & Sherwood Carers Partnership Board

Newark & Sherwood Carers Partnership Board provides a forum for family carers, local authorities, the NHS, community, voluntary and business organisations to meet to work in partnership to improve the quality of life of carers and the cared for living in the geographical area defined by Newark & Sherwood.

Newark & Sherwood Community Groups Forum

This forum brings together all Community Groups across Newark & Sherwood to share the great work they do and learn about existing and new services that may benefit their members. Members have the opportunity to take part in influencing and improving local services e.g. NHS services.

For more information about any of the above Forums or to get involved contact:

Maria DeGiorgio – Partnership & Engagement Officer
Tel: 01636 679539   Mobile: 07384 378992

Ollerton Community Groups Forum

The Ollerton Community Groups forum is a meeting of community groups based in Ollerton and surrounding villages. The forum meets on a quarterly basis. It aims to raise an awareness of local groups, identify ways in which they can help and support each other and introduce relevant outside agencies which may be able to complement and develop group activities.

Physical Insight Forum

The Physical Insight meeting aims to identify barriers to using Physical Activity in all our work, learn about and explore funding opportunities and influence local and national strategies regarding community sport and physical activity. Regular meetings with partner agencies.

For more information about any of the above Forums or to get involved contact:

Andrew Oxnard – Community Engagement & Development Coordinator


Tel: 01636 679539   Mobile: 07469 818546

Links to other organisations