Volunteer Centre

Welcome to our virtual Volunteer Centre!
Newark and Sherwood CVS is an accredited Volunteer Centre. We provide a range of support services to organisations who involve volunteers and individuals looking for volunteering opportunities.
To view current opportunities or promote your volunteering roles please go to: https://notts.getvolunteering.co.uk/
Our Volunteer Coordinator is available to support you so please ring 01636 679539 or email WillemLewis-Henderson@nandscvs.org
Our services include:
Appointments for Volunteers – If you want to volunteer we can help you find an organisation/group
If you are an organisation or group looking for volunteers – We can help you advertise your roles
Good practice support – Our good practice resources support organisations to involve volunteers
Volunteer Coordinators Network – A quarterly forum to share ideas, develop good practice, network and discuss developments in volunteering.
You can contact the Volunteer Centre by calling 01636 679539